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Become a Piss & Moan Club Member!
You can't be serious about your P&M'ing unless you're an Official Member of the Piss and Moan Club! We oughta' know! We've been P&Ming for many, many years and no one has paid any attention to it until we became official and then they listened (we're not sure if this was a good thing or not though). Anyway, we've gotten a lot of people acting a lot more social to us. Seems everyone knows someone who claims they're the worlds best P&Mer. Shallow claim to make unless you've got The Club backing you up.

 Member Benefits:

  • Discounts on merchandise
  • Access to voting and posting sections of the Club
  • Certificate of Distinction suitable for framing
  • Optional personalized email address -
  • Bragging rights
  • Strange looks from strangers (and even from your friends)

Gift Idea!

All this for only: $10 (US)

--- Members can always buy additional merchandise for themselves or as gifts!

Give the P&M Club to a deserving friend!

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Start a Local Chapter of the P&M Club!

Let us know if you'd like a Chapter of the P&M Club in your area.

 Package Deals:

The Member Certificate is VERY impressive to have hanging on your office wall or in your living room at home (we even have one member that laminated the whole thing and carries it with him!). However, we can make it a bit easier to show that you're proud to be a P&M member. Add a T-shirt to your membership and we guarantee you'll get plenty of comments and smiles. Or... get an email address at the Club and people will REALLY remember you email address from now on! These also make great gifts for those closet P&Mers that you know. Here's the deals:

 Membership with a T-shirt JUST ISN'T AVAILABLE!:

Here's the most popular deal for our P&M Club members. You get full membership with the Piss & Moan Certificate along with a fine Hanes Beefy-Tee® Shirt (see the merchandise page for more details) in your choice of sizes. You have to be a P&M Club member to get these fine shirts. Be the hit of the party! Get more attention from your boss!! Put terror in the hearts of complaint desk clerks! And, remember: it's not an Official Piss & Moan Club product unless it has the logo imprinted on it.


Package price...........only $24.95 (US)


 Membership with a P&M Email address:

Talk about the ultimate in Internet Age prestige! How many times have you had to repeat your hard-to-remember email address to someone? Are you embarassed that you're part of the herd along with 50 jillion others? You get full membership with the Piss & Moan Certificate awarding your great new personalized email address (see the merchandise page for more details) that's easy to remember, shows your P&M pride, and gets a lot of grins! And you don't need to do anything to your computer to use it (for you AOL technophobes)

Package price...........only $24.95 (US)

 Membership with a T-shirt AND a P&M Email address:

NOTE: Amateur Piss & Moan'ers need not apply for this powerful package. This option is for serious pro's only!

Now you can let the world know that you're not one to take it lying down. No sir! With the impressive power of the P&M Club behind you, your whining, sniveling, and cursing take on a whole new authority. You become a person to reckon with! Wear your T-shirt to City Council meetings or to the complaint desk at your local department store and watch them cower even before you speak. Then give 'em a business card with your P&M email address on it... They'll know they're in the presence of a seasoned pro!

Package price...........only $39.90 (US)

Watch for other new and exciting P&M products to appear here soon...

Piss & Moan Club members can order additional merchandise from the merchandise page at any time.

"Sounds Great! I can't wait to sign up as a member of the Official Piss & Moan Club and get all those incredible benefits!"


To become a member, fill in the form below then choose to either print a membership form and mail it (regular postal mail) with check or money order or sign up online with credit card on secure server. An order form will be generated for you to print or we'll take your credit card info and process your order.





Select /


Piss & Moan Club Membership and Certificate




Email address




Piss & Moan Club T-shirt - Small



Piss & Moan Club T-shirt - Med



Piss & Moan Club T-shirt - Large



Piss & Moan Club T-shirt - XLarge













Name (for Certificate):




State / Province:

Postal (Zip) Code:


Current email address:

ID for P&M Email address
(if selected above):

To prove you're human, how much is 2 plus 1 ?:



 Create Order Form for me to print and mail


 Order online with Visa / Mastercard

You will be given the opportunity to enter a different
shipping address on a subsequent page before placing the order.



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